Some Croatian phrases for going out – to the club, cinema and elsewhere!
We’ve added a column showing the pronunciation of the Croatian words and phrases. Remember, all syllables in Croatian are pronounced ‘short’!
English | Croatian | Pronunciation |
coffee house | kavana | kah-vah-nah |
café | kafić | kah-fich |
beer cellar | pivnica | peev-neet-sa |
alcoholic drinks | alkoholna pića | al-ko-hol-na pee-cha |
beer | pivo | pee-vo |
brandy | rakija | rah-kee-ya |
plum brandy | šljivovica | shlee-voh-vit-sa |
herb brandy | travarica | trah-var-eet-sa |
liquer | liker | lee-ker |
rum | rum | with a short ‘u’, more like room (with a trilled ‘r’ if possible!) |
cognac | konjak | kon-yak |
entertainment | zabava | zah-bah-vah |
nightclub | noćni klub (/bar) | noch-nee kloob |
concert | koncert | similar to English |
cinema | kino | kee-no |
film | film | similar to English |
theatre | kazalište | kah-za-leesh-teh |
film festival | filmski festival | film-skee fes-tee-val |
What is playing at the cinema/theatre? | Što igra u kinu/kazalištu? | shto ee-grah oo kee-nu/kah-za-leesh-too |
How much is entrance? | Koliko je ulaznica? | koh-lee-koh yeah oo-laz-neet-sa |
How much is one ticket? | Koliko je karta? | koh-lee-kok yeah car-tah |
Where can I buy tickets? | Gdje se mogu kupiti karte? | Gd-yeah seh moh-goo koo-pee-tee car-teh? |
Give your Croatian phrases for going out a try on your holiday!
Some other useful phrases for out and about can be found on the LearnCroatian website.
Other Croatian for Travellers chapters
- Croatian Pronunciation
- Chapter 1 – Croatian greetings and the basics
- Chapter 2 – Croatian numbers, days, months and the time
- Chapter 3 – Useful travel words in Croatian
- Chapter 4 – On the plane to Croatia
- Chapter 5 – On arrival in Croatia
- Chapter 6 – At the hotel in Croatia
- Chapter 7 – Phrases for travelling around Croatia
- Chapter 8 – Croatian phrases for about town and shopping
- Chapter 9 – Croatian dining phrases