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if you have any queries, corrections, amendments or suggestions about this website. Feel free to also contact us with any travel questions (or other questions) you may have!
Bloggers! Photographers! Social media influencers!
We are inundated with queries from bloggers and social media influencers looking for collaboration opportunities for visiting Croatia and posting about the country online.
Whilst we of course appreciate you spreading the word about Croatia, do PLEASE NOTE that we are a fully independent and fully self-funded website and always have been. In fact, we a very much on the blogger end of the scale of things ourselves.
We therefore do not have the means to invite anyone to Croatia.
Please do direct your queries to the Croatian National Tourist Office instead.
Of course, we would be happy to share any content on Croatia that you create – look us up on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram!
Other useful Visit Croatia information
Sign up for the Visit Croatia newsletter for regular travel-related news – plus plenty of holiday inspiration – about Croatia.
For travel-related advice, you may also like to visit the Visit Croatia Forum. You may well find that a similar query is already there; otherwise, post up your question to receive invaluable advice from travellers with personal experiences. There are specific sections on Property in Croatia and Living in Croatia that you may find useful if you’re looking for more information of those particular subjects.
Please also feel free to contact Visit Croatia and follow us via Twitter – we’re @Visit__Croatia! (Yes, those are two underscores. Long story. Don’t follow the impostors!)
We’re on Facebook too – check out the Visit Croatia page and become a fan!
It may not be a great way of contacting us, but check us out on Pinterest and Instagram nevertheless!
If you would like to receive a general information pack on Croatia, please email your postal address to the Croatian National Tourist Office in London (info@croatia-london.co.uk), or to your local office (see Croatian Tourist Offices). [Please note: We are not affiliated with the Croatian National Tourist Office in London. Please do not use the email address mentioned in this paragraph to contact us – use the one at the top of the page.]
Some useful Visit Croatia pages
(The selection here is based on the questions we most frequently receive!)
To get to know the country, you can’t go wrong with our About Croatia or Information on Croatia sections. You’ll learn absolutely loads!
Don’t know where in Croatia to go? See our Itineraries for Croatia section, particularly the Where to Go page or find out Why Go to Croatia.
Need to know how to get around the country? See our Travelling Around section, particularly by advice on travelling around by ferry, train, bus and car.
Looking for places to stay? Try our Accommodation guide.
For the latest news on Croatia, check out our Visit Croatia Blog.
Do also take a look at our Cookie Policy and Privacy Policy.
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If we’ve helped you with some Croatia travel advice, why not buy us a coffee?