Here’s a selection of the most common Croatian greetings, and some other essential basic phrases that you may use when meeting someone. Give these words a go for when you’re out and about in Croatia!
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Croatian greetings and the basics
English | Croatian |
Hello | Zdravo |
Goodbye | Do viđenja |
Good morning | Dobro jutro |
Good day | Dobar dan |
Good evening | Dobra večer |
Good night | Laku noć |
Yes | Da |
No | Ne |
Please | Molim |
Thank you | Hvala |
You’re welcome | Nema na čemu |
Excuse me/Sorry (informal) | Oprosti |
Excuse me/Sorry (formal) | Oprostite |
My name is… | Zovem se… |
What is your name? | Vaše ime? |
Pleased to meet you. | Drago mi je. |
Do you speak English? | Govorite li engleski? |
I do not speak Croatian. | Ne govorim hrvatski. |
I understand./I do not understand. | Razumijem./Ne razumijem. |
Where is the…? | Gdje je…? |
>> Next: Chapter 2 – Croatian numbers, days, months and telling the time
<< Previous: Croatian Pronunciation
Other Croatian for Travellers Chapters
Learn more useful Croatian greetings, words and phrases with the following chapters:
- Chapter 2 – Croatian numbers, days, months and telling the time
- Chapter 3 – Useful Travel Words in Croatian
- Chapter 4 – On the plane to Croatia
- Chapter 5 – On arrival in Croatia
- Chapter 6 – At the hotel in Croatia
- Chapter 7 – Phrases for travelling around Croatia
- Chapter 8 – Croatian phrases for about town and shopping
- Chapter 9 – Croatian dining phrases
Croatian greetings – save to your phone!
Save the following images to your phone to refer to when you’re out and about in Croatia! (For example, if you’re on an iPhone, tap on the image and select Add to Photos.)

More useful travel words in Croatian
You can learn a few more Croatian greetings and other words to help you when you’re in the country on the Learn Croatian website.