Entries by annaz

Seaplanes could link Croatian mainland and its islands

A number of Croatian newspapers this week reported that a German company is to start operating seaplane flights on the Croatian coast, establishing regular lines between the mainland and several of the larger islands. European Coastal Airlines (ECA) plan a first phase of flights later this year, linking Split and Dubrovnik with the islands of […]

2011 to be a busy year for Split Airport

Following my previous posts this month on how 2011 looks to be a promising year for Zadar Airport and on Split looking forward to a great season, here’s a post that combines those two – looking at how Split Airport is also looking to have a good year! Today’s Slobodna Dalmacija reports that this year, the […]

Croatian hotels’ views on online marketing and sales

A recent survey by Croatian website Posloni Turizam, which concentrates on the promotion of business tourism in Croatia, revealed the extent to which Croatian hotels use the Internet as a means of marketing and to attract sales. The survey, conducted amongst 95 hotels, showed that all have websites (I certainly would not be able to […]

Split looking forward to a great season

The city of Split can expect its best ever season, according to the Director of its Tourist Office, Vedran Matosic. This is as a result of initial findings from local hotels, hostels and private accommodation places, as well as figures from online reservation websites. In fact, the one major failing that Split may encounter this […]

Dubrovnik ready for Spring

A report in Slobodna Dalmacija last week noted that 19 hotels are open so far in the Dubrovnik region, already welcoming tourists for the spring months. This follows some healthy recent statistics from the Dubrovnik tourist office, which revealed that over the first weekend in March, 2,000 holidaymakers enjoyed the delights of the town. (Most […]

Dubrovnik Carnival Fest comes to a close

The final weekend of the first ever Dubrovnik Carnival Fest is already upon us, and there are a number of events taking place today, tomorrow and Sunday that will delight visitors and residents of Dubrovnik. Tonight, 4th March, will see carnival participants from five countries (Macedonia, Bulgaria, Albania, Slovenia and Croatia) take part in a […]

Croatia in the press – 2010 in review

We at Visit Croatia actively follow all mentions of the country (on all subjects, but from a travel perspective most of all!) in the papers and see the full spectrum of different types of articles, from well-researched to poor, detailed to the hole-filled, incredibly useful to the downright patronising! We try and put together all […]

10.6m tourists in Croatia in 2010

Croatian Television today reported on some interesting tourist statistics for last year, revealing that 10.6 million tourists enjoyed a holiday in Croatia during 2010, up 3.2% on the year before. These tourists stayed for 56.41 million nights in total, which is also an increase – of 2.6% – on 2009. These figures include both foreign […]