Croatian For Travellers

Some lovely words about our Croatian For Travellers Croatian language guide

Regular visitors to our site well may be aware of our Croatian For Travellers language section, which features booklets and audio files aimed at visitors to the country. We’re very pleased to have received some lovely feedback from a traveller who recently made use of our Croatian language guide.

The nice lady traveller says:

I’ve just returned from a short visit (4 days) to Istria. Before I left for Croatia, I downloaded your little booklet “Croatian for travellers”, together with the audio for MP3 player. 

It has been so very useful and I really had such fun trying out the language. Your booklet was brilliant – there was nothing I would alter. I couldn’t use very much, but I really enjoyed saying “Dober dan”, ordering “jedan bijele cava”, saying “molim” and “hvala”, and “Do videnja”. I used some of the numbers, and approached a lady to ask where the postbox was “Oprostite – posta?”

So, well done for creating this comprehensive and very useful booklet. It really was the highlight of my holiday, finding I could communicate in a very small way with people in Croatia.

She also adds that “the actual size of your booklet was also very helpful. It was easy to fold it up and quickly slip it in and out of my shoulder bag whenever I needed it.

Thanks very much for your kind feedback, S. K., and we’re glad you found our Croatian language guide so useful. And well done for having a go at some Croatian!

Croatian language guide

We fully admit that Croatian isn’t an easy language to pick up, and that you’ll encounter many people in Croatia that speak excellent English (no to mention German, French, Italian…). However, why not check out our Croatian language guide – it might come in handy to pick up a few basic phrases, and it’s always fun to understand a few words when you hear them spoken or written!

If anyone else has any feedback on our Croatian language guide or about our site in general, do write in – we’d love to hear it! Contact us on