Zagreb Public Transport

Here are the assorted Zagreb public transport options – including information on how to travel from Zagreb Airport to the city centre.

Zagreb Public Transport

Travelling to/from the airport

If you’re arriving in or departing from Croatia via Zagreb Airport, see our page on Getting to and from Zagreb Airport.

Trams in Zagreb

Trams are undeniably the best way to get around Zagreb – a (reduced) service even runs at night. There are 15 routes in Zagreb, and many stop either at Trg bana Jelacica (the main square) or at the main train station.

Full details of the tram system can be found on the Zagreb Tram website – here’s the tram map for daytime routes, as well as the map for nighttime services.

Zagreb Public Transport

To obtain a ticket for a tram, walk to the first newspaper kiosk and ask for a “tramvajska karta” (tram ticket) which is sold singly – obviously, you can buy however many you want.

Once you board the tram, you must remember to validate your ticket in the machines – the machines for these are near the very first and very last doors of trams. (Note: in the more old-fashioned trams, there is only such a machine by the front door.) These tickets cost €0.53, and once validated can be used on as many journeys as you need within 30 minutes.

It is also possible to purchase a ticket from the driver – obviously, you will need to board at the very front of the tram. A ticket purchased from the driver costs €0.80.

Buses in Zagreb

There is also an extensive bus service in the city, with a few routes also operating at night. On this Zagreb Transport page you can see a full list of all bus routes, or see this page for the handful of nighttime routes.

Tourist Buses in Zagreb

Not part of the Zagreb public transport network but undoubtedly of interest to visitors is the hop-on, hop-off Zagreb City Tour tourist bus. There are five tours a day, with the starting point Palmoticeva ulica 2, just east of the central square Trg ban Jelacic. Tickets cost €20 for adults and €8 for children aged 6 to 13. (Kids 5 and under go free.)

The bus tours a circular route, going to locations such as Zrinjevac park, Mimara Museum and Miragoj Cemetary, amongst other places.

Tourist Train

“A tourist train – how does that work?!” you might think. Well, okay, it’s not really a train but a vehicle designed to resemble a train. It runs on a small route in the centre of the city, starting and ending on Ban Jelacic Square. It only runs on weekends, every 40 minutes from 10am to 7.20pm; rather delightfully, it is free! More details and the full route can be found here.

Zagreb Public Transport - Tourist Train
The ‘tourist train’ about to depart from the main square

Fulir Electric Vehicles

As of 2024, during the summer months, electric vehicles will be available for free transportation within the pedestrianised area of the centre of Zagreb. Called Fulir, this scheme is similar to the Kavalir vehicles in Ljubljana. These electric buggies will be available every day of the week from 8am to 8pm, and are primarily aimed at the elderly and those who are less mobile. To ride on a Fulir buggy, you must call a driver – see the Fulir page on the Zagreb Transport website.

Christmas Tram

Every December, as part of Zagreb’s Advent Christmas celebrations, a Zagreb tram operates on a short route right through the centre of Zagreb. The special “Merry Christmas” tram – from 1924, no less – runs on a half-hour circular route from the main square, Trg ban Jelacic (at the intersection with Praska ulica).

The tram operates from 4pm to 7pm on Mondays to Thursdays, from 12pm to 4pm on Fridays and from 10am to 4pm on the weekend. Departures are every half an hour and tickets can be purchased at the departure point. You may be the recipient of some sweet treats whilst on board!

The Merry Christmas Tram that runs in December

Zagreb’s Funicular Railway

This isn’t really a way of ‘getting around’ Zagreb as it only runs on a 66m track from the Lower Town to the Upper Town. However, we’ve included it here first as a reminder (to visit it!) and secondly, because the funicular railway is in fact the oldest Zagreb public transport component – the funicular (or uspinjača in Croatian) first started operating in 1890.

Zagreb Public Transport - Funicular / Uspinjaca
View from the funicular, heading to the Upper Town (with the other train on its way down)

Visit it for a ride (by Ilica in the Lower Town, or near the Lotrscak Tower in the Upper Town). A one-way ticket costs €0.66, and it can be purchased from the ticket office at either end.

Zagreb Cable Car

Zagreb’s new cable car opened in February 2022, transporting passengers on a 5km route from Gracansko dolje in the north of the city to Sljeme – at a height of 1,030m above sea level – at the top of Medvednica mountain, via intermediate station Brestovac. (A cable car – called žičara in Croatian – also existed up to Sljeme several decades ago.)

The total ride from the base station to the top takes 16 to 22 minutes, depending on how fast the system is being operated. 84 gondolas run on the cable car, each with 10 seats, meaning about 1500 people can travel on the cable car every hour. Each car is also equipped with outside storage for skis, as it’s possible to go skiing up on Sljeme!

The cable car starts operating at 9am on weekdays and 8am on the weekend. Tickets cost €9.95 one way or €16.59 for a return for adults aged 24+; tickets for those aged 15-24 and seniors 65+ cost €6.64 one-way and €9.95 for a return; children aged 0-15 pay €2.65 one-way or €3.98 return.

Zagreb Cable Car
The top station of Zagreb Cable Car at Sljeme

Cycling in Zagreb

Hot on the heels of many a European city, Zagreb also has a small cycle hire scheme in operation. It costs €0.66 per 30 minutes of hire; you first need to register an account online, on the app or at a rental terminal. Find out more at

Taxis and Uber in Zagreb

Take a look at our guide to taxis in Croatia, which also has information on taxis in Zagreb.

Uber is available in Zagreb (and other Croatian cities). Just open up your app and get an Uber taxi!

Planning journeys on Zagreb public transport

Google Maps now shows transport (or ‘transit’) options on its maps when you look up directions for routes in Zagreb; this includes trams and buses. A useful tip in finding out how to get around the city!